Brightly Works Oy, 2nd of Jan, 2025
Corporate Responsibility
Best agile development practices and continuous learning are the core of Brightly's business. Our main goals are our customers' success and their business development. Our most important assets are satisfied customers, the company's competent personnel and responsible business operations.
Brightly is a profitable and growing operator. We are a reliable partner who bears responsibility for business continuity and security. At Brightly, financial responsibility means that we take care of the profitability of our business, compliance with good governance and risk management. We are constantly developing our services and expertise so that we are able to plan and implement solutions that serve our customers as well as possible and our customers are successful. When our solutions help our customers succeed, our customers' success brings jobs to a wide range of industries and companies of different sizes, and tax revenue to Finland.
Thanks to continuous training and skills development and a safe working environment, Brightly is a stable employer that invests in the skills of its employees. We develop our people to be the best in their fields and ensure their continuous professional development. Well-being at work is based on the opportunity to do meaningful and relevant work in a comfortable and supportive working environment.
We take care of the well-being of our personnel through comprehensive sports, cultural and well-being benefits as well as joint get together events and cultural events. We offer our work community comprehensive health care and comprehensive leisure accident insurance. Flexibility and a new way of working can be seen in the technologies we use in projects and in our work community.
The development of our customers' business also guides Brightly's operations. We always listen to our customers' needs, and we develop solutions together with our customers. We develop our operations and services based on the feedback received from customers. The development proposals received through cooperation and the collection of customer feedback are processed weekly. Approved operational development ideas proceed to implementation.
As a responsible operator, we care for our common environment. We strive to continuously reduce our own environmental footprint, through e.g. guidance on the use of public transport, flexible remote work, avoiding gifts of goods, paperless offices and working model, paperless invoicing, paperless receipt of invoices and paperless financial management, and limiting travel. We optimize the use of our office spaces to minimize the use of heating, cooling and water.
We aim to recycle everything, including office equipment, office waste, etc. By going digital, our customers' business, logistics and production become more efficient, saving raw materials and energy and reducing emissions. In our customer projects, we take into account, among other things, minimising unnecessary use of cloud services.
We monitor the development of corporate governance practices and use them, where appropriate, in our own operations. We pay particular attention to monitoring and reporting practices to ensure that our activities are legal and comply with these principles.
We will not engage in conduct that is contrary to good business practice or otherwise unfair to another trader. We promote ethical practices in our business relationships. Our marketing will always make clear its commercial purpose. We follow generally accepted principles in our marketing. We treat other cultures with respect. Our business relationships with our partners are determined on commercial grounds.
Bribery and other forms of corruption are prohibited in our operations. We are helping to build a society with strong confidence in business, entrepreneurship, the market economy and the rule of law. That is why we actively work to combat bribery and other forms of corruption that can affect our business relationships. Brightly's anti-bribery and corruption policy is described in more detail in the Brightly Code of Conduct.
Suppliers must take safeguards and refrain from any activity that could be considered part of the money laundering process. Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding export controls and restrictions, as well as any economic sanctions imposed by the EU, US, UK or UN.
Brightly operates in accordance with national and international competition laws and the legal rules of the World Trade Organization and therefore does not participate in, for example, price fixing, market or customer sharing, market sharing or bidding speculation with competitors.
Brightly avoids all conflicts of interest that could adversely affect business relationships.
We offer our employees a safe and comfortable workplace. We actively promote their health, job satisfaction and personal development. That's why we make sure that our employees have a working environment and working conditions that prevent physical and mental health problems and promote job satisfaction and development. This applies to management practices, work spaces, work tools, operating methods, job descriptions, personal development opportunities and other elements of the work environment. We do not tolerate any form of physical or mental bullying or harassment. We actively intervene in all cases of bullying and harassment. We monitor the work load. If necessary, we will take measures to divide or reduce the work more evenly.
We treat our employees equally, unless deviation from this is justified considering the employees' tasks and position. We do not accept discrimination and we strive to prevent any kind of discriminatory treatment, for example in terms of salary or career development. We use procedures that allow us to identify and address discrimination.
We do not tolerate the use of child labor or forced labor. Children should not be used for financial gain in any other way.
Brightly is committed to complying with the UN's basic principles regarding business and human rights, including the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights and the UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as the International Labor Organization's ILO Basic Principles of Working Life and rights declaration in all countries where we operate. All our activities are always guided by national legislation and internationally recognized human rights.
Brightly is committed to eliminating modern-day slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains, including subcontractors and partners.
Brightly acknowledges its responsibility to eliminate today's slavery and human trafficking and ensures transparency both within the organization and from suppliers of goods and services so that the entire supply chain is covered.
Brightly reserves the right to review and approve its supplier's actions to prevent slavery and human trafficking. Goods imported from outside Finland and the EU are possibly more susceptible to problems related to slavery and human trafficking. The level of control required by these sources is constantly monitored.
Brightly does not support or do business with any company that knowingly engages in slavery or human trafficking.
The CEO and senior management take responsibility for the implementation of this policy and its goals and provide sufficient resources (e.g. training) and investments to ensure that slavery and human trafficking do not occur in the organization and its supply chains.
Brightly's communication and reporting policy are described in the Brightly Whistleblowing Policy document.
We comply with all applicable laws and regulations and international agreements that protect intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks and design rights. We respect the intellectual property rights of others and do not infringe or make unauthorized use of the protected rights or trade secrets of others when we develop, produce and deliver our products and services or when we use the intellectual property rights of others protected products or services.
We actively promote sustainable development by considering the environment in all our business operations. We comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations in our business. We use natural resources sparingly.
We strive to emphasize the environmental benefits of our products and services when dealing with our customers and partners. We welcome all kinds of initiatives from our employees, customers and partners that help us reduce the harmful environmental impact of our business.